Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

grants, financial aid packages, and academic scholarships.”

Very many of the financial aid awards that these and other

recruiting education sites and publications are referencing

are often at or near full-ride levels. Plainly stated, Division III

colleges are funding the education of student athletes, while

publicly pretending that the financial aid that their students

receive is for some merit other than athletic ability. How this

funding is accomplished is the focus of this chapter.

The NCAA Regulations impacting the types and amounts

of financial aid that Division III colleges can award student

athletes, by rule, must also be available to all students. The

regulations of NCAA rule 15.4.9 states: “The composition of

the financial aid package offered to a student athlete shall be

consistent with the established policy of the institution’s finan-

cial aid office for all students...” [italics mine]

Rule 15.4.9(c) states: “The financial aid package for a par-

ticular student athlete cannot be clearly distinguishable from the

general pattern of all financial aid for all recipients (of financial

aid) at the institution...” [italics mine]

Rule 15.4.9(a) states: “A member institution shall not con-

sider athletics ability as a criterion in the formulation of the

financial aid package...” [italics mine] (Rules 15.49, 15.49(c),

and 15.49(a) are from NCAA Manual).

After receiving a profile from one of my clients, a Midwest

Division III private college basketball coach contacted her and

said she was interested in having her play basketball for the

school and asked if she would come to campus for a visit. Prior

to the visit, all the pertinent documents were sent to the admis-

sions and financial aid offices. She and her father visited the

school, which was not too far from their home. They met the

130 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

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