Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Is your plan worth the discipline

and sacrifice it takes to commit it to

paper? By writing down the plan,

you have created something tangible

upon which your thoughts and ideas

are recorded. You can then refer to

the plan on a regular basis.

Writing your action plan organizes

your goal-oriented direction and activ-

ities, makes them more understandable, more real, and therefore

more doable. Referring to the plan as you move toward your

goal provides you the information you need to make any mid-

course corrections that may be required.

You must constantly reinforce your visual image; if not, your

desire, your belief, or your plan will wither and die. You will

experience almost immediate results if you read your plan daily.

This goal-planning strategy works not only for achieving

successful recruitment; it works for achieving any important

goal you might have.

Sample Goal

  1. I want to be on a college swim team at a school where I can

receive a great education, compete, and receive a large finan-
cial aid award.

  1. I will be successfully recruited by April 2010.

Preparing for College and the Future 29



Tr u T h Is

The more you

want, the more

you must be willing

to sacrifice.

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