Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

cessful recruitment because any coach recruiting you need not

concern him- or herself with your academic credentials.

Because of NCAA regulations, Division III schools must

claim they don’t award financial aid based on athletic ability,

and therefore aren’t bound by the constraints of Bylaw 14.3.

The institution, conference, and other NCAA regulations gov-

ern eligibility for financial aid and roster positions. Chapters

19-23 expose the truth about the Division III bogus claim of

no financial aid for athletic ability.

Check all eligibility information against your NCAA Guide

for College-Bound Student-Athletes. It is absolutely essential to

discuss your transcript and core courses with your high-school

counselor to be certain that you meet all the NCAA Bylaw 14.3

requirements. The NCAA Eligibility Center is demonstrating a

very tough attitude about student athletes meeting the core-

curriculum requirements.

NCAA General Recruiting Rules


You become a prospect when you enter ninth grade. You

become a recruited athlete if a college coach contacts you or a

member of your family about either attending the school or par-

ticipating in an athletic program. Other than men’s basketball,

coaches are not allowed to contact* you until September 1

of your junior year, then by letter only. Other than football

and basketball, you may not be contacted by telephone by

a college coach until after July 1 prior to your senior year of

Academic Requirements 37

*Be sure to consult with your NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete for

the precise definition of the contact rules. You can examine the Guide by going

online at

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