Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
very clear that if you don’t take your academic preparation as
seriously as your athletic preparation, you are most certainly
jeopardizing your dream.
As was discussed previously, if your dream is to only tolerate
college athletics as a short, unwanted stopover before becom-
ing a professional athlete, you are making a colossal error.
Research indicates that high-school
athletes who harbor this dream-
poisoning attitude very often don’t
even graduate from high school, much
less become either college athletes or
(what a joke) professional athletes.
By using the exposure strategies
and techniques in this book, you will
generate massive, national exposure
or regional exposure—whichever you
The advantage will mean noth-
ing if you don’t demonstrate
to the college coaches that you
are constantly developing and improving, both academi-
cally and athletically. If you delude yourself into thinking
that the exposure you receive will be all that is required
for you to be successfully recruited, you are in for a
huge disappointment.
While exposure is the only strategy that accomplishes suc-
cessful recruitment, coaches won’t recruit student athletes
who may have a difficult time staying eligible or who fail
to demonstrate continuing improvement in their sport. The
best way to avoid problems is to be the finest student and
dedicated athlete you know how to be. You must: study, hustle,

44 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide


The future is never

inherited; it is

created. Create your

future now. Your

future is where you

will spend the rest

of your life.


Tr uT h Is

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