Sports Scholarships An Insiders Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

46 The Sports Scholarships Insider’s Guide

make disciplined choices for themselves that may interfere with

having fun and hanging out with friends or ingesting illegal

substances. Arrests and dumb stunts on YouTube or Facebook

are championship stupid! They can destroy your future. Others

refuse to let their sport or their education interfere with their

social life. If this describes you, you will fail. You must reorder

your priorities!

Doesn’t it make sense to be well prepared for the rest of

your life? If it was easy, everyone would be recruited. It’s not

easy. And too few are. So be prepared to be tough on yourself.

Almost everyone has a will to win. As a track coach, I noticed

that every competitor has heart during the last ten meters of

the race. Too many athletes call upon their will to win only

at the instant of competition. Winners have the will to pre-

pare to compete. Vince Lombardi, the legendary coach of the

Green Bay Packers, said that the will to prepare was more valu-

able to individual success than the will to win.

If anyone tells you the recruiting process will be easy, they

are mistaken. As you will discover, it is fundamentally unfair.

The truth is that you’re entering a high stakes contest where only

the competition knows the rules. You’ll also learn that every

effort you make will generate substantial benefits.

You now have an opportunity to do what very few young

people do: take control of your future. If you hold tightly to

your goals and use the suggestions to follow, you can obtain

what you want.

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