Grade 1 - Animals and Habitats

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

194 Animals and Habitats: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities

the water on their fi nger. Also have them take a small sip of the
drinking water. Have them describe the difference in taste between
salt water and fresh water. Explain that drinking large amounts of
salt water is dangerous to the human body.

Oceans: Both Fun and Useful
Materials: World map
Have students identify the oceans on a world map, and then
brainstorm ways that we use the ocean for fun and how we use it
to help us get work done.

Ocean Habitat Mural
Materials: Long piece of blue paper; ocean pictures; scissors;
drawing materials; glue or tape
Have students make an ocean habitat mural using resources
available in the classroom, such as ocean pictures from
magazines, paints, and other art supplies. Using a long piece of
blue paper, students may draw, paint, or color their part of the
ocean to create a class mural. Instruct students to write or dictate
a sentence under their section describing their part of the ocean.
After it is fi nished, post the mural on the wall, and have students
act as docents to explain the ocean picture.
Share this picture with other Grade 1 classrooms or with other
classes in the school. Extend this activity by drawing other
habitats and placing pictures of animals in the correct habitat.

“A Fish Out of Water”
Materials: Habitat Posters 1–7; Image Cards 1–26
Show students the Habitat Posters for each of the habitats they
have learned about. Using the Image Cards, ask students to
identify which habitat is the home of a particular plant or animal.
Extend students’ thinking by asking them what would happen if
a specifi c plant or animal then had to move to another habitat.
Would that plant or animal be able to survive in the new habitat?
In which ways would the plant or animal need to adapt to the new
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