Grade 2 - Greek Myths
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora 37 Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud may have activity options which ...
38 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora have diffi culty remembering this, guide the discussion so that t ...
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora 39 Show image 2A-7: Curious Pandora coming down to Earth with a se ...
40 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora Purpose for Listening Tell students to listen carefully to fi nd ...
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora 41 Presenting the Read-Aloud 15 minutes Prometheus and Pandora Sho ...
42 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora Humans just sit around. I think you should get rid of them and tr ...
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora 43 Prometheus picked a stalk of fennel and carried it up to Mount Ol ...
44 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora Show image 2A-7: Curious Pandora coming down to Earth with a se ...
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora 45 Show image 2A-1: Prometheus and Epimetheus creating Literal Ac ...
46 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora of negative and evil things that might be in Pandora’s box? (Answ ...
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2B | Prometheus and Pandora 47 Note: Extensions may have activity options that exceed the time a ...
48 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 3 | Demeter and Persephone Lesson Objectives Core Content Objectives Students will: Ident ...
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 3 | Demeter and Persephone 49 Describe the characters and plot of “Demeter and Persephone,” in ...
50 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 3 | Demeter and Persephone Vocabulary Chart for Demeter and Persephone Core Vocabulary words ...
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 3 | Demeter and Persephone 51 Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud and Extensions may have activity ...
52 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 3 | Demeter and Persephone Exercise Materials Details Discussing the Read-Aloud (15 minutes) ...
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 3 | Demeter and Persephone 53 Continue the class Gods, Mortals, and Creatures Chart. You may wis ...
54 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 3A |Demeter and Persephone Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud may have activity options which e ...
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 3A | Demeter and Persephone 55 Meet the Characters Note: You may wish to add to the Character Ch ...
56 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 3A | Demeter and Persephone Tell students they will also meet a dog named Cerberus. Ask stude ...
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