Grade 2 - Early Asian Civilizations
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 11B | The Silk Roads 213 Extensions 20 minutes Multiple Meaning Word Activity Mu ...
214 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 11B | The Silk Roads We have been talking about some verbs or action words th ...
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 11B | The Silk Roads 215 Today, explorers take The Silk Roads to go to China. > ...
216 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 11B | The Silk Roads Tell students that they will sequence the steps to make ...
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 | The Great Wall of China 217 TThe Great Wall of Chinahe Great Wall of China 12 ...
218 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 | The Great Wall of China Core Vocabulary defense, n. The act of providing ...
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 | The Great Wall of China 219 Image Sequence This is the order in which Flip Bo ...
220 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 | The Great Wall of China Advance Preparation For What Have We Learned?, ha ...
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China 221 Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes What Have ...
222 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China Explain that wonders of the world are remarkab ...
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China 223 Purpose for Listening Tell students to listen c ...
224 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China Presenting the Read-Aloud 15 minutes The Great ...
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China 225 [On a world map, point to the location of where ...
226 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China [Have different students point out the differen ...
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China 227 Show image 12A-7: Watchtowers and soldiers Fi ...
228 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China Discussing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes Comprehens ...
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China 229 I am going to ask a question. I will give you a ...
230 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12 A | The Great Wall of China Use a Making Choices activity for follow-up. Di ...
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12B | The Great Wall of China 231 Extensions 20 minutes Sayings and Phrases: Easie ...
232 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 12B | The Great Wall of China [Show Poster 6M (Snakes).] In the read-aloud yo ...
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