Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

18 Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

Phonological Awareness: Syllables (Segmenting with Clapping)

with Clapping) Teaching Materials


Objective: Prompt student attention to speech segments (at the syllable
Exercise: Play Short/Long using:
one-syllable words: frog, bear, pig, sheep
two-syllable words: rooster, monkey, lizard, chicken
three-syllable words: elephant, rattlesnake, jellyfish, ladybug
four-syllable words: rhinoceros, alligator
Tell students you will say a word and it will either be short (one syllable) or
long (multisyllabic).
Students will need to be standing to use the head, shoulders, knees, and
toes motions to represent syllables.
Say the word twice—the first time at a normal speaking pace and the second
time with a slight emphasis on the syllables.
Students repeat the word for themselves and indicate the syllables with the
head, shoulders, knees, and toes motions.
Ask students to respond individually or as a group to say if the word was
short (only touched head) or long (touched shoulders, knees, and toes, too).
Once the correct answer is established, have students repeat the word and
use the motions together one more time.
Then move on to the next word.
Challenge students to produce their own short or long words.


Objective: State the purpose for listening and model the desired
Learning about Syllables: Tell students you will say student names and
the purpose for listening is to clap the syllables (beats) in each one. (Use
a variety of first and last names to provide a variety of single- and multi-
syllable words for students to segment.) For example, say “Michael” twice—
the first time at a normal speaking pace and the second time clap along with
a slight emphasis on the syllables. Next say “Jenkins” twice, but when you
clap the second time it is said, clap only once. If students don’t catch your
error, point out that you clapped for the whole word instead of the syllables.
Make the correction and complete a few more examples. Extend the
instruction using the same words from the Warm-Up.

Sample Remedial Lesson

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