Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

48 Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

I Spy

  • Play I Spy using two- to four-syllable words.

  • For example: “I spy, with my little eye, a ta [pause] ble.”

  • If playing with a small group, once students blend the syllables they could go
    over to the object and touch it to indicate their answer. If playing with a large
    group, students could take turns touching the named object.

  • Once students are comfortable with the game, they can practice segmenting
    syllables by taking turns being the person to “spy” an object.

  • Other multisyllabic items around the classroom might be:

    1. bas/ket

    2. kin/der/gar/ten

    3. com/pu/ter

    4. cur/tain

    5. e/ra/ser
      6. note/book
      7. pen/cil
      8. speak/er
      9. sta/pler
      10. win/dow

Reverse Go Fish
Advance Preparation
Have a deck of regular playing cards ready. For word suggestions select one or
more Silly Monster or Position Worksheets and refer to the associated Word List
for 2-, 3-, and some 4-syllable words.

  • Using a set of regular playing cards, deal a small stack of cards to students.

  • Tell students, “I am going to say a word. I want you to place a card on the
    table for each syllable in the word.” (Remember to speak at a slower pace than
    natural cadence.)

  • Each student places a card on the table for each syllable heard.

  • Once all students have the correct number of cards set out, return the cards to
    the pile for the next sentence.

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