Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

ing with a promise of getting them their money. In the
end, only 2,300 credits can be found. One of the of-
ficials makes half-hearted excuses. The PCs are offered
the money as well as a small and heavy metal cylinder
that the officials insist contains an encrypted computer
code to the effect that the PCs are owed 7,700 credits.
This is completely true, though an in-built beacon allows
the Empire to monitor the position of the cylinder and
therefore the movements of dubious bands of adventur-
ers like the PCs. There is no need for them to know this
(and it requires some determined efforts and a Daunt-
ing (••••) Computers check to discover).

Whenever the PCs return to Kessel in the future,
they find that the office of Moruth Doole remains

chronically strapped for cash. Every few months they
are able to wring another thousand credits from the
officials, but it will be at least a full Coruscant year
before they finally get their 10,000.
Furthermore, while the PCs were in the building, a
squad of stormtroopers took the liberty of searching
their ship, and they were able to find any glitterstim
bales inside unless the PCs were careful to conceal them.
In this event, the officials argue—correctly enough—that
this contraband is the lawful property of the Kessel spice
mining operation. They "generously" offer the PCs the
opportunity to buy the bales back if they so desire. They
offer to knock 4,000 credits off the total reward money
they owe the PCs for each bale so bought.

Fantasy Flight would like to thank the following for
their hard work playtesting EDGE OF THE EMPIRE
Playlesf Coordinator Ron DeValk, "Unrepentant"
Lachlan "Raith" Conley with Fiona Coath, Jordan
Dixon, Daniel Gabriel, Mark McLaughlin, and Brad
Twaddell. "The Librarians" Pirn Mauve with Jeroen
Brugman. Keesjan Kleef, Jan-Cees Voogd, Joris
Voogd. and Gerlof Woudstra. "No Guts No Glory"
Sean Connor with Malhieu Booth, Simon Butler,
Adam Lloyd. Ben Newman, and Stephen Pitson.
"The Crew" Stephanie Huffaker with Ron Devalk,
Haden Huffaker, Keith Stuckmeyer, and Gabe Usry.
"Unnamed" Trevor Stamper with Martin Auhagen,

Dave Boruch, Brian Gilkison, Michael Hebert, Chris
Marshall, Beth Oliver, Duncan Oliver, and John 01
szewski. "Unnamed" Rich Sanders with Cody Doo
little, Nicolis Jackson, Tim Smithey. Allan Wilson,
and Jeffery Wilson. "Delusions of Grandeur" Ster-
ling Hershey with Mary R. Hershey. Robert Quillen
II, and William Vaughan. "Action Movie Extras" Sam
Stewart with Andrew Bassaun, Max Brooke, Daniel
Lovat Clark, Tim Flanders, Andrew Fischer, Mack
Martin, and Zoe Robinson. Sam Witwer.
In addition, FFG would like to thank those who
participated in the EDGE OF THE EMPIRE Beta Test.

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