Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Corellia 357
Corellian Mining Corporation Digger Crawler 251
Corellian Run 326
Corellian Trade Spine 327
Core Mechanic 9
Core Worlds 333
Corporate Sector 352
Corporate Sector Authority 379
Corporate Sector Authority Security Captain 401
Corporate Sector Authority Security Police 401
Corporate Sector Authority Viceprex 402
corrupt bureaucrat 408
Cortosis (quality) 155
cortosis weave 194
CR90 Corvette 266
crash survival kit 180
Crippling Blow (talent) 133
critical hits 243
critical injuries 216
Cumbersome (quality) 155
Cunning (characteristic) 16
customization hard points 225
customs inspector 397
cybernetic arms 173
cybernetic eyes 174
cybernetic legs (Mod II and Mod III) 173
cybernetic weapon 174
cyberscanner limb 174

  • Damage Control (vehicle actions) 233
    dark side (result) 14
    datapad 181
    Daunting checks 17,18
    Deadly Accuracy (talent) 134
    Dead to Rights (Improved) (talent) 134
    Dead to Rights (talent) 134
    death 218,300
    death sticks 185
    Deception (skill) 109
    Dedication (talent) 134
    Deep Core 330
    Defel assassin 392
    defense 31,94.206,226
    Defensive Driving (talent) 134
    Defensive (quality) 156
    Defensive Slicing (Improved) (talent) 1 34
    Defensive Slicing (talent) 1 34
    Defensive Stance (talent) 134
    Deflection (quality) 156
    Despair (results) 13, 23
    Destiny Points 27, 315
    Destiny Pool 27
    using Destiny Points 27
    dice conversion 12
    dice pool 9. 15
    building a pool 18
    interpreting a dice pool 23
    modifying a dice pool 20
    Difficulty dice 11
    Discipline (skill) 110
    disguise kit 178
    disoriented 218
    Disorient (quality) 156
    Disorient (talent) 135
    disruptor rifle/pistol 163

Doctor (specialization) 63, 65
Dodge (talent) 1 35
DP20 Gunship 266
Droid (species) 45
Drop Prone or Stand From Prone (maneuver) 203
Durable (talent) 135

Easy check 17
electrobinoculars 175
electronic countermeasures suite 269
electronic lock breaker 178, 179
emergency medpac 176
emergency repair kit 182
Emperor's Hand 402
encumbrance 152
Enduring (talent) 135
engaged (range) 208
enhanced carbon-durasteel armor 269
enhanced optics suite 194
Ensnare (quality) 156
environmental effects 212
Evasive Maneuvers (vehicle maneuver) 232
Exchanging an Action for a Maneuver (action) 203
Expansion Region 339
experience points 29
spending experience 30, 92
Expert Tracker (talent) 135
Explorer (career) 68
extreme (range) 209

Failure (results) 13, 23
Familiar Suns (talent) 135
fear 298
Feral Strength (talent) 135
Field Commander (Improved) (talent) 135
Field Commander (talent) 1 35
filed front sight 190
Fine Tuning (talent) 135
fire arcs 228
Firespray System Patrol Craft 255
flame projector 164, 165
Fly/Drive (vehicle maneuver) 232
Fondor 358
Forager (talent) 135
Force dice 11, 274
force pike 166, 167
Force powers 278
Force Rating (talent) 135
Force-sensitive 275
Force Sensitive Exile (specialization) 276, 277
Force talents 278
forearm grip 190
forger 393
Formidable checks 17, 18
Formos 418
forsaken Jedi 412
frag grenade 165
freighters and transports 260
Frenzied Attack (talent) 1 35
Fringer (specialization) 69, 71
Full Throttle (Improved) (talent) 1 36
Full Throttle (Supreme) (talent) 136
Full Throttle (talent) 135
fusion lantern 181

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