Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1


Gadgeteer (specialization) 57, 60
gaffi stick 166, 167
Gain the Advantage (vehicle actions) 234
Galactic Empire 365
Galaxy Mapper (talent) 136
Game Master 8
Gamorrean thug 413
Gand (species) 47
GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat 259
gear 171
attachments 187
communications 171
cybernetic enhancements/replacements 173
detection devices 175
medical 176
poisons 171
security 178
spice and other drugs 183
tools 180
unique illegal equipment 186
Gearhead (talent) 136
general purpose scanner 175
glitterstim 184
glow rod 181
GR-75 Medium Transport 261
grappling 211
Grit (talent) 136
Guarded Stance (maneuver) 201
Guided (quality) 156
gundark 415
Gunnery (skill) 120

handling 224
hand scanner 176
Hapes Cluster 354
Hard checks 17. 18
Hard Headed (Improved) (talent) 136
Hard Headed (talent) 1 36
healing 219
heating system 194
heavy battle armor 170
heavy blaster pistol 162, 163
heavy blaster rifle 162, 163
heavy clothing 168, 169
heavy repeating blaster 162,163
Heightened Awareness (talent) 136
Herglic Space 354
Heroic Fortitude (talent) 137
Hidden Storage (talent) 137
high-output ion turbine 271
Hired Gun (career) 74
holdout pistol 161
Hold Together (talent) 137
holo-messenger 171
hull trauma threshold 224, 242
Human (species) 48
Hunter (talent) 137
Hutt crime lord 406
Hutts 377
Hutt Space 349
Hydian Way 330
hydraulic control circuits 270
hyperdrive generator 271
hyperlanes 326

hyperspace travel 246

immobilized 218
immune implant 174
Imperial Intelligence agent 402
Imperial moff 403
Imperial naval officer 403
Imperial naval trooper 403
implant armor 174
Inaccurate (quality) 156
Indistinguishable (talent) 1 37
incidentals 199
Inferior (quality) 156
Influence (Force power) 281
infochant 393
initiative 198
Inner Rim 337
Insight (talent) 137
Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved) (talent) 137
Inspiring Rhetoric (Supreme) (talent) 137
Inspiring Rhetoric (talent) 137
Intellect (characteristic) 16
Intense Focus (talent) 137
Intense Presence (talent) 137
Interact with the Environment (maneuver) 201
interpreting a dice pool 294
Intimidating (talent) 137
Inventor (talent) ' 37
ionization blaster 162,163
Ion (quality)^156
ion weapons 228
Ithorian storyteller 413

Jedi 274
jet pack 181
journeyman hunter 400
JumpMaster Long Range Scout 256
Jump Up (talent) 138
Jury Rigged (talent) 138

Kessel 359
Kill with Kindness (talent) 138
Knockdown (quality) 156
Knockdown (talent) 138
Knowledge (Core Worlds) (skill) 123
Knowledge (Education) (skill) 123
Knowledge (Lore) (skill) 123
Knowledge (Outer Rim) (skill) 124
Knowledge Specialization (talent) 138
Knowledge (Underworld) (skill) 124
Knowledge (Xenology) (skill) 125
Known Schematic (talent) 138
Know Somebody (talent) 138

Lambda-class T-4a Long Range Shuttle 256
laminate stormtrooper armor 169, 170
landspeeders 249
laser cannons • 228
laser weapons " 228
Leadership (skill) m

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