Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

proton torpedoes 229
Punch It (vehicle maneuver) 233


quad laser cannons 229
Quick Draw (talent) 141
Quick Strike (talent) 141

range bands 208
ranged attack difficulties 205
ranged attacks 205
Ranged (Heavy) (skill) 121
Ranged (Light) (skill) 122
Rapid Reaction (talent) 141
Rapid Recovery (talent) 141
rarity 149
restricted items^150
ration packs^179
Rebel Alliance liaison 408
Redundant Systems (talent) 141
reinforced shield generator 270
Relationship (Motivation) 96
Researcher (talent) 141
Resilience (skill) '16
Resolve (talent)^142
Respected Scholar (talent) 142
respirator ,7 9
restraining bolts^178
retrofitted hanger bay 271
Rimma Trade Route 327
rivals 390
Rodian (species) 49
Ryloth 362

scanner goggles^175
Scathing Tirade (Improved) (talent) 142
Scathing Tirade (Supreme) (talent) 142
Scathing Tirade (talent) 142
Scholar (specialization) 63. 67
Scoundrel (specialization) 81. 84
Scout (specialization) 69.72
Second Wind (talent)^142
sector ranger 405
security droid 412
Sense Danger (talent) 142
Sense Emotions (talent) 142
Sense (Force power) 279
serrated edge '91
Setback dice 11
shipjacker 394
shock gloves 166
Shortcut (talent) 142
shortened barrel 191
short (range) 208
Side Step (talent) 142
silhouette 224
Simple check '^7
Sixth Sense (talent) ' 42
Skilled Jockey (talent) 142
Skilled Slicer (talent) 142
skills 16.101
career ,7
combat 120, 153

custom 102
general 104
knowledge 122
training 92
Skulduggery (skill) 116
slaver 394
Slice 355
slicer 395
slicer gear 1^79
Slicer (specialization) 87, 91
Slow-Firing (quality) 157
slugthrower pistol 164
slugthrower rifle 164
Smooth Talker (talent) 142
smuggler 396
smuggler baron 395
Smuggler (career) 80
smuggling compartments 270
Sniper Shot (talent) 142
soak 207
soak value 31,94
Soft Spot (talent) 143
Solid Repairs (talent) 143
Space Master Medium Transport 262
spaceport administrator 398
spaceport security detail 398
spaceport security officer 398
spaceport urchin 399
space suit 179
Spare Clip (talent) 143
Speaks Binary (talent) 143
specialization 55
purchasing new specialization 93
species 43
speed 224
Spending An Action to Activate an Ability (action) 203
spread barrel 191
staggered 218
Stalker (talent) 143
starfighters 254
Star Galleon Armed Transport 265
Stars" End 353
starship and vehicle combat 230
starship and vehicle modifications 269
starship scale 224
starting gear 97
Starwind Pleasure Yacht 263
states of health 215
Stay on Target (vehicle maneuver) 233
Stealth (skill) 117
Steely Nerves (talent) 143
Stim Application (Improved) (talent) 143
Stim Application (Supreme) (talent) 143
Stim Application (talent) 143
stimpack 17 6. 177
Storm IV Cloud Car 248
stormtrooper 404
stormtrooper sergeant 404
strain threshold 31.94.216
Street Smarts (talent) 144
street tough 396
Streetwise (skill) 118
strength-enhancing system 194
Stroke of Genius (talent) 144
Strong Arm (talent) 144
structured gameplay 198
Stun Damage (quality) 157
stun grenade 165

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