Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

166 Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide 8 | Working on the Transcontinental Railroad

Note: Introducing the Read-Aloud and Extensions may have
activity options that exceed the time allocated for that part of
the lesson. To remain within the time periods allocated for each
portion of the lesson, you will need to make conscious choices
about which activities to include based on the needs of your

Exercise Materials Details
Introducing the Read-Aloud (10 minutes)
What Have We Already

Transpor tation Brainstorm

Essential Background
Information or Terms

Image Cards 16 (John Henry) and
17 (Ca s ey Jone s)
U.S. map Point out Baltimore, the Ohio River, and
the West on the map.
Ask students if they know what a
locomotive is before explaining what it is.
Vocabular y Preview: Ancestor,

Image 8A-2
Image 8A-4
Purpose for Listening Instructional Master 8A-1
(Response Card 5)

Have students refer to this Response
Card about the Transcontinental Railroad
as you introduce and discuss the lesson.
Presenting the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)
Working on the
Transcontinental Railroad

U.S. map Point out the span of the U.S. and
(Promontory Point,) Utah.
Discussing the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)
Comprehension Questions
Word Work: Convenient

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
Extensions (20 minutes)
Multiple Meaning Word
Activity: Drive

Poster 4M (Drive)

Syntactic Awareness Activity:
Prefix Te l e –
Vocabulary Instructional
Activity: Miserable
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