94 Insects: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point
with a butterfl y, the student could fl ap his or her arms and pretend
to “fl y” around the room. The rest of the class will guess the insect
or object that is being described. Be sure to “wrap the language”
around this activity, reminding students of key domain-related
vocabulary they have learned. Proceed to another card when the
correct answer has been given.
Domain-Related Trade Book or Student Choice
Materials: Trade book
Read a trade book to review a particular insect or concept about
insects; refer to the books listed in the Introduction. You may
also choose to have the students select a read-aloud to be heard
Exploring Student Resources
Materials: Domain-related student websites
Pick appropriate websites from the Internet for further exploration
of parts of an insect, life cycles of insects, honeybees, and wasps.
Videos of Insects
Materials: Videos related to insects
Carefully peruse the Internet for short (5-minute), age-appropriate
videos related to insects your students have heard about.
Prepare some questions related to the content presented in the
Discuss how watching a video is the same as and different from
listening to a storybook or read-aloud.
Have students ask and answer questions using question words
who, what, when, where, and why regarding what they see in the
Class Book
Materials: Drawing paper, drawing tools
Tell the class or a group of students that they are going to make
a class book to help them remember what they have learned
about insects thus far in this domain. Have students brainstorm