Grade 2 - Read-Aloud Insets

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

150 Insects: Supplemental Guide 8 | Friend or Foe?

 Lesson Objectives

Core Content Objectives
Students will:
 Explain that insects are the largest group of animals on Earth
 Explain that there are many different types of insects
 Identify ways in which insects can be helpful to people
 Identify ways in which insects can be harmful to people

Language Arts Objectives
Students will:
 Identify the main topic of “Friend or Foe?” (RI.2.2)
 Describe the connections between actions taken by humans
and the extinction of some insects (RL.2.3)
 Plan, draft, and edit an informative text that presents information
about insects, including an introduction to a topic, relevant
facts, and a conclusion (W.2.2)
 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on the
topic of insects and strengthen writing as needed by revising
and editing (W.2.5)
 Use the antonyms foe and friend appropriately in oral language
 Identify new meanings for the word bug and apply them
accurately (L.2.5a)

FFriend or Foe?riend or Foe?


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