Insects: Supplemental Guide 8 | Friend or Foe? 151
Core Vocabulary
entomologist, n. A person who studies insects
Example: The entomologist traveled to rainforests in different parts of
the world to compare the kinds of insects living in each one.
Variation(s): entomologists
extinction, n. The dying out of a species until it no longer exists
Example: Some scientists believe that the extinction of the dinosaurs
occurred many millions of years ago.
Variation(s): none
foe, n. Enemy or opponent
Example: The Athenians and Spartans of ancient Greece fought
together against their foe, the Persian Empire.
Variation(s): foes
pesticides, n. Chemical substances used to kill insects that destroy
plants and crops
Example: Some people prefer to eat organic plants because they are
not sprayed with chemical pesticides.
Variation(s): pesticide
pollinators, n. Insects that carry pollen from one plant to another
Example: Bees and butterfl ies are both important pollinators, collecting
pollen from one plant and depositing it on another.
Variation(s): pollinator