Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

188 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 10B | The Lion and the Mouse

  1. Look at each picture and think about what is happening in the picture.
    You should consider:

    • Who are the characters in the picture?

    • Where are they?

    • What is happening?

  2. Cut out the three pictures, and put them in order to show the
    beginning, middle, and end of the fable.

  3. When you have made sure that you have them in the correct order,
    glue or tape them in the correct order onto a piece of paper.

  4. Let’s find which picture shows the beginning of the fable.

    • Make sure students identify the picture that shows the beginning.

    • As students complete their worksheets, have them retell the fable
      using their completed sequence. Retelling of the fable can be done
      with their partner, in small groups, or with home language peers.

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