Kindergarden - Nursery Rhymes and Fables

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

50 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 3 | Jack Be Nimble & Little Jack Horner

Image Sequence

This is the order Flip Book images will be shown for this read-aloud.
Please preview before teaching this lesson.

  1. 3A-1: Jack jumping over candlestick
     Stop here if you choose to split the lesson into two parts.

  2. 3B-1: Jack Horner with plum on his thumb

At a Glance Exercise Materials Minutes

Introducing the Read-Aloud

Introducing “Jack Be Nimble”
Vocabulary Preview: Quick Instructional Master 3A-1 5
Purpose for Listening
Presenting the Read-Aloud Jack Be Nimble^5

Discussing the Read-Aloud

Comprehension Questions Response Card 5
On Stage Items that rhyme with quick

Introducing the Read-Aloud

Introducing “Little Jack Horner” Instructional Master 3A-1
Vocabular y Preview: Thumb 10
Purpose for Listening
Presenting the Read-Aloud Little Jack Horner plums^5

Discussing the Read-Aloud

Comprehension Questions Response Card 6
On Stage
 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day


Multiple Meaning Word Activity:
Corner Poster 2M (Corner)


Syntactic Awareness Activity:
Simple Sentence Builder Instructional Master 3B-1
Vocabulary Instructional Activity:

End-of-Lesson Check-in Instructional Master 3B-2Response Cards 3–6;
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