Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

90 The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 3D | I Use My Nose to Smell

Mid-Domain Student Performance Task Assessment

 Image Review
Materials: Image Cards 1–3 and 6–21; Response Cards for The Five
Your class has covered three of the five senses. It is recommended that
you use this activity to help assess what your students have learned thus
Use this activity as an observational Tens opportunity. (Refer to the page
with the Tens Conversion Chart in the Appendix for the observational
Te n s r ub r i c.)

  • Display Image Cards 1–3 on a surface that is readily visible by all
    students. As a class, agree on separate actions that will represent the
    sense of sight, the sense of hearing, and the sense of smell.

  • Shuffle Image Cards 6–21 and hold them in your hand fanned out
    like a deck of cards. Ask a student to choose a card and hold it up to
    show the rest of the class. The rest of the class should hold up the
    Response Cards for all the senses they could use to find out more
    about what is shown on the Image Card.

    • For example, with Image Card 15 (Fire), the students should hold
      up the sense of sight, the sense of hearing, and the sense of smell
      to show that they could use these senses to find out more about
      fire. At the end, the student standing should act out the senses
      s/ he would use to find out more about the picture and the rest
      of the class should check if they held up the Response Cards to
      those senses.

  • Proceed with this activity until Image Cards 6–21 have all been

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