Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

126 The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 5B | I Use My Skin to Touch

 Show image 6A-7: Child making snow angel

  1. The child is outside.
    The child is in the snow.
    The child is outside and in the snow.
    The child is outside in the snow.

  2. The snow is cold.
    The boy is wearing warm clothes.
    The snow is cold, and the boy is wearing warm clothes.
    The boy is wearing warm clothes because the snow is cold.
    The snow is cold, so the boy is wearing warm clothes.
    Extending the Activity

  • Try combining three ideas together to make one longer sentence.
    ➶ Above and Beyond: Students work with their partners to build longer
    sentences. Model how they would take turns to say one thing at a
    time about the picture and how to combine their short sentences
    into one sentence.

 Vocabulary Instructional Activity
Word Web: Injury





(A) Related (yellow)
(B) Synonyms (green)
(C) Antonyms (red)

Word Web Template Materials: chart paper; yellow marker, green marker, red marker;
pictures associated with injury

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “The pain you feel when you get an
    injury, like a scrape on your knee, is your body’s way of warning you
    to be more careful next time.”

  2. An injury is hurt or damage done to yourself or someone else. If you
    fall down and cut your arm, that is an injury. Or if your friend breaks
    her leg, that is an injury.

  3. We will make a Word Web for the word injury.
    [If you have pictures ready, use the pictures. Otherwise, write the
    word injury in the center of the paper and circle it.]
    Note: Explain that you are going to write down what students say,
    but that they are not expected to be able to read what you write
    because they are still learning all the rules for decoding. Tell them it is

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