Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities 147

Ta s t e
Materials: Magazines; chart paper; scissors; glue or tape
Have students choose pictures of food from magazines and help
them cut them out. Paste the pictures onto chart paper under the four
categories: salty, sweet, bitter, and sour.
To u c h
Materials: Various objects with different textures/temperatures;
drawing paper
Place various objects on a table, and have students feel them. Talk about
the different textures, shapes, and temperatures (smooth, stiff, cool,
fuzzy, slippery, etc.). Have students walk around the room and feel other
objects. Then have students come together and share what they felt,
encouraging them to use vivid adjectives.

➶ Sensory Tools

Materials: Flip Book images 8A-6, 8A-7; glasses; hearing aid;
magnifying glass; binoculars; megaphone; Braille book
Display various tools on a table and allow students to look at and
touch them. After they have observed them, hold up each tool and ask,
“Which sense or action does this tool help?” (seeing, hearing, talking,
communicating or understanding)

Super Senses
Materials: Drawing paper, drawing tools
Ask students, “If you could turn one of your senses into a superpower
sense, which would you choose and why?” Tell students to think about
their answer and then draw a picture of themselves with their new super
sense. Have students share their drawings and explain why they chose
that sense.
➶Above and Beyond: For any students who are able to do so, have
them write a word or a simple sentence describing their illustration.
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