Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Stories: Supplemental Guide DR | Domain Review 179

Note to Teacher

This is the end of the read-alouds about stories. You should spend one
day reviewing and reinforcing the material in this domain. The following
activities have been provided to help prepare students for the Domain
You may have students do any combination of the activities provided, in
either whole-group or small-group settings.

Core Content Objectives Addressed in This Domain

Students will:
 Listen to and demonstrate familiarity with stories, including the ideas
they express
 Explain that stories that are made-up and come from a writer’s
imagination are called fiction
 Identify the characteristics of subgenres of fiction, including folktales
and trickster tales
 Identify the beginning, middle, and end of a given story
 Identify the setting of a given story
 Identify the characters of a given story
 Identify the sequence of events in a given story
 Identify the plot of a given story

DDomain Reviewomain Review DR

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