Kindergarden - Seasons and Weather

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

30 Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide 1A | What’s the Weather Like?

Use a Making Choices activity for follow-up. Directions: I will say
a characteristic. If the characteristic I say is a characteristic of a
good friend, say, “ is a characteristic of a good friend.” If the
characteristic I say is not a characteristic of a good friend, say, “ is
a not a characteristic of a good friend.”

  1. being a good listener

    • Being a good listener is a characteristic of a good friend.

  2. hitting

    • Hitting is not a characteristic of a good friend.

  3. sharing

    • Sharing is a characteristic of a good friend.

  4. always wanting to do things his or her way

    • Always wanting to do things his or her way is not a characteristic of a
      good friend.

  5. [Have students think of two more characteristics of a good friend with
    their partner. Call on three partner pairs to share.]

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
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