Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

d100 Encounter
53 1d6 giant spiders
54 3d6 kuo-toa
55 1 goblin boss with 2d4 goblins
56 4d4 grimlocks
57 1 ochre jelly
58 2d10 giant centipedes
59 1 nothic or 1 giant toad
60 1d4 myconid adults with 5d4 myconid sprouts
61 1 minotaur skeleton or 1 minotaur
62 3d6 drow
63 1 mimic or 1 doppelganger
64 1d6 + 3 hobgoblins
65 1 intellect devourer or 1 spectator
66 1d8 + 1 orcs
67 – 68 A faint tapping coming from inside a nearby wall
69 1 gibbering mouther or 1 water weird
70 1d12 gas spores
71 1 giant constrictor snake
72 1d10 shadows
73 1d3 grells
74 1d4 wights
75 1d8 + 1 quaggoth spore servants
76 1d2 gargoyles
77 1d4 ogres or 1d3 ettins
78 1d4 dwarf explorers (veterans)

79 – 80 An abandoned minersdungeoneer’s packs ’ camp spattered with blood and littered with the contents of 1d3

81 1 chuul or 1 salamander
82 1d4 phase spiders or 1d3 hook horrors
83 5d4 duergar
84 1 ghost or 1 flameskull or 1 wraith
85 1 druid with 1 polar bear (cave bear)
86 1 hobgoblin captain with 1d4 half-ogres and 2d10 hobgoblins
87 1 earth elemental or 1 black pudding
88 1 kuo-toa monitor with 1d8 + 1 kuo-toa whips
89 1 quaggoth thonot with 1d3 quaggoths

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