Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
Adversary List


he following is a list of adversaries the GM can use
in his adventures. These adversaries are divided
into several groups, depending on their affiliations
and motives. Each adversary's profile is also broken
down into several discrete sections.

  • Name: The adversary's name or type, plus
    whether it is a minion, rival, or nemesis.

  • Description: A section describing the adversary.

  • Characteristics: The rating of the adversary's six
    basic characteristics.

  • Skills: Skills (if any) possessed by the adversary.
    If the adversary is a minion, these skills only ap-
    ply in a group.

  • Talents: Talents (if any) possessed by the adversary.

    • Soak/Defense and Thresholds: These are the
      adversary's soak, his defense (listed in both me-
      lee and ranged values), and his wound and strain
      thresholds. Only nemeses have listed strain
      thresholds. If a GM wishes to give a rival a strain
      threshold, it should have the same value as the
      listed wound threshold.

    • Abilities: These are special abilities that are not
      skills or talents.

    • Equipment: This is the adversary's equipment. The
      entry only lists important equipment such as weap-
      ons, armor, and vital pieces of gear. Items such as
      clothing, comlinks, spare change, glow-rods, and so
      forth are not listed but are still present if it makes
      sense (and at the GM's discretion). Any bonuses from
      equipment are already added to the profile.

It is important to note that adversaries do not al-
ways follow the same rules that player characters do.
These profiles are generated for simplicity and ease
of use, so non-essential information can be omitted.
For example, the Barabel enforcer has a soak higher
than his Brawn, even though he does not wear armor.
This is due to the Barabels' notoriously thick hide-
however this is not indicated by a unique rule. The
higher soak value is sufficient.


The galaxy is a vast and luminous place, but for ev-
ery light there lurks a shadow. The mere existence of
civilization and galactic government gives rise to those
who eschew its values and laws, and instead seek to
profit from activities that are prohibited by those who
sit in power. On some planets, the criminal under-
world is cautious, moving silently and congregating
only in the most secret of places. On other worlds,
however, it operates brazenly and in the open, wield-

ing its power and influence like a blunt instrument and
daring the forces of law and order to oppose it.


Slightly more intelligent and more likely to use ad-
vanced technology than the Gamorrean enforcers that
are popular with many crime lords, Aqualish are no less
physically powerful than their porcine counterparts
and equally prone to violence as a means of resolving
even the mildest dispute. Although not all members of
the Aqualish people are crude and thuggish, enough of
them are that the sight of them acting as enforcers and
henchmen for all manner of unpleasant figures is hard-
ly surprising to any well traveled citizen of the galaxy's
seedy underbelly.

Skills (groups only): Brawl, Coercion, Melee,
Ranged (Light).
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged (Light]; Damage
6; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), brass
knuckles (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range: En-
gaged; Disorient 3).


Some say that conflict is the lifeblood of the galaxy and
there are always those who will find a means of profiting
from any endeavor, no matter how unpleasant. Arms
dealers have access to large amounts of weaponry and
are willing to sell them to anyone, for a price. The means
by which these individuals come by their stock varies
wildly; some are former mercenaries, while others haunt
battlefields like scavengers looking for cast-aside weap-
ons instead of a meal, and still others have extensive
networks of contacts within existing military organiza-
tions. Regardless, these individuals are often in the mar-
ket for smugglers or others who have ships of their own
to transport goods to and from customers. Due to the
sheer volume of firepower they have available to bring to
bear if the situation requires it, it is an extremely bad
idea to cross an arms dealer.


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