Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Skills: Charm 3, Cool 2, Deception I, Knowledge
(Core Worlds) 2, Knowledge (Education) 2, Leadership
3, Negotiation 4, Vigilance 1.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Holdout blaster (Ranged [Light]; Damage
5; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Stun setting), aides.


The noble families of the Core Worlds are so insulated
from the rest of the galaxy that they often lack even the
most essential understanding of the realities of society
beyond their own privileged circles. Younger members
of the caste, hungry for adventure and exciting stories
with which to top their rivals in court, sometimes ven-
ture out into the greater galaxy in search of interesting
experiences. These dilettantes are often more of an an-
noyance than anything else, but their wealth and influ-
ence can many times open doors that might be un-
available under other circumstances. For that reason
alone, some members of the criminal underworld are
willing to associate with "slumming" nobles in search of
a good time. Often these individuals cause as much
trouble as they alleviate and most never realize the real
danger they are placing themselves in until it is far, far
too late to do anything about it.

Skills: Charm 3, Cool 1, Deception 3, Knowledge (Ed-
ucation) 2, Melee 2.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Holdout blaster (Ranged [Light]; Damage
5; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Stun setting), antique vibro-
sword (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 2; Range [Engaged];
Defensive 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1) personal shuttle (use
the Lambda class shuttle profile on page 256).


Droids are as common a sight in the greater galaxy as star-
ships or blasters and can be found in virtually every con-
ceivable environment. Alterations to their structure and
programming allow droids to function in otherwise pro-
hibitive environments, meaning that droids may be found
anywhere in the galaxy. The vast majority are simply ma-
chines, laboring in the background to complete tasks that
an advanced society requires to function. A smaller portion



roids occupy a unique position in EDGE OF
THE EMPIRE, as they can be commodities for
purchase but also sentient NPCs or adversar-
ies. Therefore, they are presented in this chap-
ter. However, if players wish to purchase these
droids, they can consult the following chart for
rarity and prices.


Droid Type Cost Rarity

Antiquated Battle
Droid 6,500^5

Astromech Droid 8,250 3

Medical Droid 12.000 4

Security Droid 9,600 5

is much more advanced, capable of interacting with living
beings with a semblance of the independence and creativ-
ity that the organic enjoy. And of course, there are those
few that are far more than simple tools and instead can
become tremendous allies or terrifying opponents.
Droids are typically divided into five broad catego-
ries depending upon their function. These divisions
are referred to as Class I through Class V and give a
general idea of how a droid from a given class can
be expected to behave, what capabilities it has, and
what behaviors it is likely to exhibit. Class I droids in-
clude perhaps the most advanced droids among their
ranks, designed as they are for medical and health-
related purposes. Many Class II droids are designed
for engineering and maintenance tasks and as such
are more like self-aware tools than their peers among
the other classes, though they can develop quirky
personalities. Class III droids are designed to inter-
act with organic beings in a variety of fashions, from
the protocol droids that are frequently employed in
diplomatic circles to the governess droids that the
especially wealthy sometimes rely upon to care for
their children. Class IV droids are by far the most re-
stricted and heavily controlled, because they are de-
signed for use in combat. Finally, the simplest of all
droids can usually be found among the numbers of
Class V droids, which are generally designed for the
purpose of simple, non-electronic repairs and menial
labor. Class V droids can generally be said to have the
least advanced processors and cognitive function of
any droid class.

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