
(Elle) #1

526 International Psychology

The First Congress of the
International Ergonomics
Association took place in

The first Congress of the
International Association for the
Scientific Study of Mental
Deficiency took place in
Montpelier, France.

The Society of Psychology of the
German Democratic Republic was
The Psychological Association of
the Philippines was founded.
The Tunisan Society of
Psychology was founded.

The Association of Greek
Psychologists was established.

The Cuban Union of Psychology
was founded.
The Salvadoran Society of
Psychology was founded.
The Panamanian Psychologists
Association was founded.
The Portuguese Psychological
Society was founded.
The Psychologists Association of
Romania was established.

The New Zealand Psychological
Society was founded, having
previously been a branch of the
British Psychological Society.









The American Psychological
Association sent a group of
senior psychologists to visit
laboratories in the Soviet
The Colegio of Venezuelan
Psychologists was founded.

The Max Planck Institute for
Human Development and
Education was founded in
The Young Psychologists
Program was organized for
the first time, in conjunction
with the XVII International
Congress of Psychology in
Washington, DC.
The University of Nigeria
established a department of
psychology in Nsukka.

The Department of
Psychology and Education
was established at Kuwait

The University of Ghana
introduced a Department of
Psychology (see 1949).

Publication ofPsicologia y Educacion
was initiated in Cuba.

TheAnuario de Psicologiawas
introduced in Guatemala.
APA published the report, Some Views
on Soviet Psychologyfrom its Soviet
mission in 1960.
TheRevista de Psicopatologia,
Psicologia Medica, y Psicoterapia
began publication in Peru.
TheRevista Venezolana de Psicologia
began publication.
TheRevista Mexicana de Psicologia
began publication.

The International Union of
Psychological Science began
publishing theInternational Journal of

International Opportunities for
Advanced Training and Research in
Psychologywas published with reports
from 87 countries. The publication was
the result of a meeting in France in
1962 of the International Union of
Psychological Science and the
American Psychological Association.

TABLE 25.1 (Continued)
Congresses Societies Events Publications
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