
(Elle) #1
Subject Index 581

cognitive, 122
emotion (and psychoanalysis) and, 169–171
Golden Age of Learning Theory and, 120–125
industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology and, 383
metaphysical, 122–125
methodological, 120–122
physiological, 123–124
radical, 124–125
stimulus-response theories, 120–122
Behavior modification, 331
Behavior therapy, 330, 331, 349, 351
Bender Gestalt, 292–293
Binet scales, 280–281
Biofeedback, 164, 545
Biology/biological psychology, 148–150, 213–214, 332–333
brain, 48–51, 316–319, 325, 332–333
cognitive neuroscience, 59–62
color vision, 51–52
development, 213–214
experimental psychopathology, 333
intelligence, 148–150
learning and memory, 53–56
mind, 47–48
motivation and emotion, 56–59
new genetics, 333
pitch detection, 52–53
psychopathology, 332–333
sensory processes, 51–53
Black Students in Psychology Association (BSPA), 494, 546
Bonds, theory of, 141
Boulder model, 36
in biological psychology, 48–51
hemisphere theories, 317–318
lesions and psychopathology, 318–319
measurement, 332–333
pathology model of psychopathology and nervous diseases, 316–317
surgery, 325
theory of the evolution of (psychopathology), 318
British professional organizations, 262, 540
Business forces, and rise of I-O psychology, 377–379. See also
Industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology
Business psychology, 29–30, 367

California Psychological Inventory (CPI), 285
professional organizations, 262, 540
U.S. International Congress (1954) held in, 512
Cartesian dualism and the veil of ideas, 114–115
development (professional organizations), 550
guidance clinic (African American leadership), 489
psycholegal issues, 407–408
study, 12, 416
Children’s Apperception Test (CAT), 287
China, 511
Chronology of milestones, 517–531
Civil rights movement, 379–380, 487. See alsoEthnic minorities
Classical medical theory, 307

Classical world before Plato (cognition), 110–111
Classification, 305–306, 315–316, 328–329
Clinical forensic evaluations, 407
Clinical problems frequently presented in therapy (ethnic minorities), 502
Clinical psychology, 337–355
future trends, 352–353
“nurturing zeitgeist,” 345–347
organizational struggles, 344–345
origins of, 32–33, 338–339
professional developments, 35–37, 347–348
school psychology and, 416
scientific art (vs.artistic science), 339–340, 341
“sustaining zeitgeist,” 341–344
training models, 344–345
treatment interventions, 348–352
Clinico-anatomic method, 318
comparative, 78–79
definitions, 87–90
developmental psychology and, 211
Cognition and learning:
animal psychology and coming of behaviorism, 119–120
artificial intelligence, 127–128
behaviorism, 120–125
Cartesian dualism and the veil of ideas, 114–115
computing (key ideas of), 125–127
connectionist, subsymbolic, hypothesis, 128–131
early scientific period, 118–124
empiricist tradition, 115–117
idealist tradition, 117
impact of evolution, 118–119
levels (cognitive/algorithm/implementation), 127–128
mind design and architectures of cognition, 127–128
modern period: cognition after the scientific revolution, 115–117
modern scientific period, 125–131
philosophical period, 110–117
premodern period (cognition before the Scientific Revolution),
psychology of consciousness, 118
realist tradition, 117
scientific revolution and new understanding of cognition, 114–115
symbol-system hypothesis, 128
verbal learning tradition, 118
way of ideas: rejecting realism, 114
Cognitive behaviorism, 122
Cognitive behavior therapy, 349
Cognitive demons, 102
Cognitive neuroscience (biological psychology), 59–62
Cognitive processes/structures, intelligence arising from, 144–148
Cognitive psychology:
computer metaphor of mind, 131
consciousness, 131
development, 131, 214
educational psychology and, 273–274
evolution, 131
meaning, 131
rise of (mentalism revisited), 19–20
today, 131
Cognitive realism, 113
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