582 Subject Index
Cognitive science, 127–131, 550
Cognitive theory and I-O psychology, 383
Color vision/perception, 51–52, 96–97, 106–107
Comas and convulsions, 326
Committee on Equality of Opportunity in Psychology (CEOP), 546
Community, minority psychologists in, 488–490
Community involvement, 40
Community psychology, 349
action research vs.prevention science, 442–443
from community mental health to community psychology, 434–435
early developments, 431–435
ecological perspective/assessment, 436–439
economic boon and the GI bill, 432
preventive interventions, 440–443
race relations, 432–433
social ferment (1950s) and incubation of, 432
social problems in context of cultural norms/values, 439
social upheaval (1960s) and birth of, 433–434
strengths perspective, 435–436
Swampscott Conference, 435
World War II and, 440
Comparative psychology. See alsoAnimal psychology
academic societies, 76
behavioral ecology and, 77–78
comparative cognition, 78–79
European ethology, 77
evolutionary psychology and, 77–78
funding, 75
influences on, 76–79
journals, 76
periods in history of:
forerunners, 68–69
early history, 68
before World War I, 69–71
between the wars, 71–74
since World War II, 74–76
persistent issues in, 79–82
personnel, 74–75
research centers, 75–76
sociobiology and, 77–78
soul-searching, 76
textbooks, 73–74
Computer technology and organizations (I-O psychology), 381–382
Computing, 90, 125–131
algorithm level, 127
artificial intelligence, 127–128
cognitive level, 127
cognitive science, 127–131
computational metaphor of mind, 127, 131
computational theories, 90
connectionist/subsymbolic hypothesis, 128–131
feedback, 125–126
implementation level, 128
information, 126–127
key ideas (three) of, 125–127
mind design and architectures of cognition, 127–128
program/computation, 127
symbol-system hypothesis, 128
Conditioned reflex, 327–328
Conflict theories, 167–171
Congressional Science Friendship Program, 41
Connection(s), theory of, 141
Connectionist/subsymbolic hypothesis, 128–131
cognitive psychology today, 131
psychology of, 118
way of ideas, 114
Correspondence problem, 87
gestaltists and, 105–106
psychophysicists and, 103–105
Counseling psychology, 30–31
beginnings of new profession, 30–31
diversification in, 362
guidance movements, 358–359
identity question, 361–363
modern age of, 357–358
postwar growth, 37–38
rise of psychological testing, 359–360
vocational guidance, 359
vocational psychology, 359
World War II and training of psychologists, 360–361
Creative synthesis, 100–101
Cuban-American perspective in psychology, 497–499
Cultural diversity. SeeEthnic minorities; Women and gender, psychology
of “Culture of personality,” 179–180
correlates of illness, 455
development and, 214–215
intelligence and, 150
Cybernetics and social psychology, 234–236
Data treatment and research design, 9
Decision demon, 102
Degeneracy theory, 319–320
Depression, research on treatment of, 349–351
Depth psychology, and personality, 187
Desensitization procedures, 349
Developmental psychology, 131, 144–145
advances in theory and method, 213
biology of development, 213–214
characteristics of early theories of, 207–208
cognition, 131, 211, 214
culture, role of (in development), 214–215
emotion, 212
founders, 206–207
future, 217
institutes of child development, 208
intellectual development stages, 144–145
learning theory and psychoanalysis, 210
operant orientation, 210–211
periods in history of:
1880–1914, 206–208
1915–1940 (period of institutionalization and fragmentation), 208–210
1940–1960 (era of expansion), 210–211
1960–1985 (rise of contemporary themes), 211–213
1985–present (current period), 213–217
precocity, 211
social interaction/relationships, 212
social learning theory, 211–212
triad of towering theorists, 208–209