Subject Index 585
comparative psychology, 76
electronic publishing initiatives, 40
ethnic minority psychological publication, 495–496
forensic psychology, 398
Journal of Consulting Psychology, 545
professional journal within APA, 39–40
Kaufman scales, 282
Kiddie SADS, 291
Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD), 288
Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (KOIS), 295
Laboratory, psychological. SeeScientific psychology
Labor unions, 375
Law of effect, 121
cognition and (seeCognition and learning)
memory and (biological psychology), 53–56
psychoanalysis and theory of, 210
social, 211–212, 351
strategic learning model, 275
verbal, 118
Legal forces, and rise of I-O psychology, 379–380
Legal system. SeeForensic psychology
Legal views of mentally ill, 306–307, 392–394
Locus of control, 238
Logical positivism and operationism, 17–18
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, 293
Magnetism and mesmerism to hypnosis, 313–314
Meaning (cognitive psychology today), 131
Melancholy, anatomy of, 311–312
Aristotle’s structure of human soul, 112
eyewitness, 396, 406–407
learning and (biological psychology), 53–56
long-term declarative (or explicit), 60
theory of primary mental abilities, 142
Mental chronometry, 3
Mental hygiene movement/organizations, 182–183, 550
Mental illness. See alsoAbnormal psychology:
legal views of, 306–307, 392–394
typologies of, 328–329
Mental Status Examination (MSE), 290
Mental test, 280, 338
Meta-analysis, 351
Metaphysics, 110
metaphysical behaviorism, 122–125
metaphysical realism, 113–114
Methodological behaviorism, 120–122
Middle/Near East (professional organizations), 539
Military forces/world wars, 33–34, 360–361, 380–381, 440, 540–541
Army Alpha/Beta, 281, 381
Army General Classification Test (AGCT), 381
GI Bill of Rights, 432, 466
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), 285
active/passive (Aristotle’s distinction), 113
architectures of cognition, 127–128
biological psychology, 47–48
dualism, 452
holistic view of mind-body relationship, 452
Minnesota Employment Stabilization Research Institute (MESRI), 360, 375
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 284, 295
Minorities.SeeEthnic minorities
Mixed race identity, 503–504
Moral management and the association model, 314–315
Motivation and emotion (biological psychology), 56–59
Multiple personality, 324–325
Nancy School, 321
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), 545
National Council of Women Psychologists (NCWP), 260, 536–537, 547
National Hispanic Psychological Association, 547
National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), 345, 347, 361
National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology (NR), 548, 549
National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education (NSPIE), 359
National Vocational Guidance Association, 362
Near and Middle East (professional organizations), 539
Neo-behaviorists, 18–19
NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI), 285–286
Nervous diseases (neurosis and neurasthenia), 329
Network of Indian Psychologists, 546
Neuropsychological functioning, monitoring:
Bender Gestalt, 292–293
test batteries, 293–294
Neurosis, 328, 329
New York State Association of Consulting Psychologists, 545
New Zealand (professional organizations), 540
North America, professional organizations in, 540–544
Nosological systems, 315–316
Noumena/phenomena, 117
Number (theory of primary mental abilities), 141
Operant orientation, developmental psychology, 210–211
Operationism, 17–18
Opponent-process theory, 51
Organic vs.functional psychoses, 329–330
Organizational psychologist, 38. See alsoIndustrial-organizational (I-O)
Organizations. SeeProfessional organizations
Pandemonium, 102
Perception.SeeSensation and perception
Perceptual realism, 113
Perceptual speed (theory of primary mental abilities), 142
Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), 286
Personality characteristics and psychopathology, identifying (assessment
psychology), 283–292
behavioral methods, 291–292
figure drawing methods, 287–288
interview methods, 289–291
picture-story methods, 287
Rorschach Inkblot Method, 286–287
sentence completion methods, 288–289
structured tests, 283–286
unstructured tests, 286–289
Personality psychology:
ambivalence in, 177–179, 189–190, 191–196
American psychology, 183–185