Copy of How I Saved Zeus

(Shifty) #1

When i woke up i found myself laying on that big old green sofa i had found
myself laying on when i first got there. I was insanely warm under this big Orange quilt. I
soon found out why. It wasn't just the quilt that was making me warm, it was mostly
erebus laying next to me. “Hey Nyx.” he said with his arm still wrapped around me from
the day before. Seeing him like this reminded me of how my mom and dad looked
before ​ The “Incident” ​. I shut my eyes trying to forget the flames that killed them. “You
okay?” Erebus asked, reminding me that he was still there. “Yeah i'm fine. You just
remind me of someone.” i said with a slight smile.
I liked that he reminded me of dad. He even had those green eyes you felt that if
you looked into them for too long you would get lost. “Who do I remind you of?” he
asked. “Someone who was very nice and caring, and always cared about others more
than he cared about himself.” I Responded looking into his green eyes again. “I like you
a lot Nyx.” he said brushing my hair behind my ear. “You're not like everyone else.”.
“Well I'm glad because I like you too-” Suddenly Demetrius ran in and yelled “He’s here!
Ares is here!” Then he bolted out the door.
Within the next few seconds me and erebos were out of the door and in the field.
“What's that for?” I asked looking at the two giant black Scalthes he brought. “Well in
case you need a history lesson we are the gods of darkness. So here ya go.” he said
and tossed the bigger one to me. When he did a giant bolt of lightning came out of
nowhere. The sky turned black and the moon came out blood red. All of the wolves in
the area started howling and then I noticed another thing. I had wings. My skin was coal
black and from my reflection in a puddle it seemed my eyes were glowing red. “Aw
cool.” I said , startled at how dark my voice sounded. “Well I didn't know that would
happen.” Erebus said once again, reminding me he was there. But then I noticed
everyone else looking at me too. And all the crows flying around me. “That is pretty
cool.” Erebus said in awe.
“Can’t you do this?” I asked , looking down at him. “I dunno, I've never tried.
Sure enough he seemed to do something right because he ended up flying next to me.
“Aw cooler!” he said in amazement. “Isn't Ares still here?” I asked. “Oh yep he is.”
Erebus said looking at the ground trying to spot him. “I think he might've gotten scared
after the sky went black.” Demeter responded looking up at us. “Yeah I guess you're

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