Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days
When a virtual function is created in an object, the object must keep track of that func- tion. Many compilers build a virtual f ...
Implementing Inheritance 397 12 access it in the same way you have been using the base class to access the virtual meth- ods? Th ...
25: void Speak()const { cout << “Meow!\n”; } 26: }; 27: 28: void ValueFunction (Mammal); 29: void PtrFunction (Mammal*); 3 ...
Implementing Inheritance 399 12 (1)dog (2)cat (0)Quit: 1 Woof Woof Mammal Speak! (1)dog (2)cat (0)Quit: 2 Meow! Meow! Mammal Spe ...
The rule of thumb is this: If any of the functions in your class are virtual, the destructor should be as well. 400 Day 12 You s ...
Implementing Inheritance 401 12 24: { 25: public: 26: Dog() { cout << “Dog constructor...\n”; } 27: virtual ~Dog() { cout ...
73: break; 74: } 75: theArray[i] = ptr; 76: } 77: Mammal *OtherArray[NumAnimalTypes]; 78: for (i=0;i<NumAnimalTypes;i++) 79: ...
Implementing Inheritance 403 12 As the program iterates over the array on lines 78 to 82, each object has its Speak()and its Clo ...
Protected access is public to derived classes and private to all other classes. Even derived classes cannot access private data ...
Implementing Inheritance 405 12 Q If a function (SomeFunc()) is virtual in a base class and is also overloaded, so as to take ei ...
If, in Exercise 2,Shapetakes no parameters,Rectangletakes two (length and width), but Squaretakes only one (length), show the c ...
DAY 13 WEEK 2 Managing Arrays and Strings In lessons on previous days, you declared a single int,char, or other object. You ofte ...
You declare an array by writing the type, followed by the array name and the subscript. The subscript is the number of elements ...
Managing Arrays and Strings 409 13 LISTING13.1 Using an Integer Array 0: //Listing 13.1 - Arrays 1: #include <iostream> 2: ...
Writing Past the End of an Array .................................................................. When you write a value to an ...
Managing Arrays and Strings 411 13 LISTING13.2 Writing Past the End of an Array 0: //Listing 13.2 - Demonstrates what happens wh ...
Test 1: TargetArray[0]: 10 TargetArray[24]: 10 SentinelOne[0]: 0 SentinelTwo[0]: 0 SentinelOne[1]: 0 SentinelTwo[1]: 0 SentinelO ...
Managing Arrays and Strings 413 13 This nasty bug can be very hard to find, because SentinelOne [0]’s value was changed in a par ...
declares IntegerArrayto be an array of five integers. It assigns IntegerArray[0]the value 10 ,IntegerArray[1]the value 20 , and ...
Managing Arrays and Strings 415 13 20 elements instead of 25, you have to change several lines of code. If you used a con- stant ...
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