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25 Search Engines and SEO

Nearly all web users know how to find things using search engines, and you’ll want to
make sure that they can find your site. Search engines work by creating an index of all
the sites they can find. You need to be sure to add your site to the index when you pub-
lish it so that search engines will start including it in search results. As long as people
link to your site, search engines will find it eventually whether you tell them about it or
not, but asking them to index your site will ensure that it’s added immediately. Here’s a
list of the top four search engines:


Lesson 25, “Search Engines and SEO,” goes into more detail about how and why to sub-
mit your sites to some of the popular search engines. There’s a set of interlocking rela-
tionships among search engine providers that can make it difficult to keep track of who is
providing search functionality for whom. The search engines listed previously maintain
their own indexes. After your site is included in their index, it will be available via all the
search engines that use their index, too. The art of so-called search engine optimization,
or SEO, is also covered in detail in Lesson 25.

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