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686 LESSON 24: Taking Advantage of the Server

Quiz Answers

  1. In PHP, strings in double quotes are parsed for variable references and special char-
    acters before they are presented. Strings in single quotes are presented as is.

  2. The include_once function does not return a fatal error if the file being included is
    not found. With require_once, if the file is not found, a fatal error occurs and the
    rest of the page is not processed.

  3. You can use htmlspecialchars() to escape the characters used to generate HTML
    tags for a page. You can use strip_tags() to remove HTML tags from a string.
    Either approach should prevent users from using malicious input to attempt a cross-
    site scripting attack.

  4. Associative arrays are declared as follows:
    $array = ('key' => 'value, 'key2' => 'value2');


  1. Get PHP up and running on your own computer.

  2. Write a script that enables a user to show the current date and time on a web page.

  3. Go to the PHP manual online and find a built-in function that wasn’t introduced in
    this lesson. Use it in a script of your own.

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