270 Index
Instrumentalism, 53
intent, 50
international law, 121
internationalism, 114
intuition, 79
intuitive knowledge, 165
invincible ignorance, 50, 51
iron law of wages, 208, 209
irrationalism, 188-189
Jefferson, Thomas, 131
judicial interpretation, as source of law,
justice, 125
Kant, Immanuel, 47-48, 90-94, 95
categorical imperative, 92
concept of duty, 91
concept of maxims, 92
concept of noumenon, 95
concept of phenomenon, 95
on ethics, 47-48
writings, 90
Katastematic pleasure, 67
Keynes, John Maynard, 227-231, 233
aggregate demand, 229
economic interventionism, 228
on investment, 229-230, 234
“pump priming,” 231
writings, 227
Kierkegaard, 104
kinetic pleasure, 67
kinship theory of the state, 115-116
knowledge, 59, 63, 139
Locke’s three types, 165
labor theory of value, 184, 207, 244
laissez-faire, 17,18,131,199,204,213
land monopoly, 225, 226
large state, 135-137
law, 119-126, 148
and sovereignty, 114
Aquinas’ 4 types, 75-76
sources of, 121-123
legal monopolies, 206
legislation, 124
leisure class, 220, 221
Lenin, 243
liberal, 12-19
economics, 17, 18
education, 18
morality, 15, 16
the nature of man, 14, 15
politics, 16, 17
society, 16
world view, 19
linguistic fallacies, 32, 33-36
accent, 34-35, 36
amphiboly, 33-34, 36
composition and division, 34, 36
emotive language, 36
equivocation, 33, 36
parallel word construction, 35
vicious abstraction, 34-35
Locke, John, 165-169, 175, 253
religious freedom, 169
the state, 166-169
writings, 165, 166
logic, 23-31
Descartes’ method, 78-79
Lucretius, 65
Lyceum, 60, 61
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 156-160, 187
principality, 157
republic, 157
the state, 158
writings, 156
Malthus, Thomas, 210-213, 224
laissez-faire economics, 213