Index 271
moral restraint, 211
positive checks, 211,213
preventive checks, 211,213
writings, 210
Malthusian theory, 210-213
man as a coooperative being, 200
man’s insatiability, 242
Marcus Aurelius, 69, 71
Marx, Karl, 183-187, 220, 239, 244
dialectical materialism, 183-184
writings, 183, 184, 185
economic philosophy, 131, 244
philosophy, 111-112,244
material cause, 62
maxims, Kant’s concept of, 92
means of production, 184
Meditations, 71
metaphysical nihilism, 84
methodical doubt, 79
middle-of-the-road, 13
Mill, John Stuart, 35, 54, 88-89, 181
internal sanction, 89
writings, 35, 88
modern conservatism, 174
Modus ponens, 29
Modus tollens, 29
monarchy, 143, 152, 172, 173, 181
monism, 130-131, 142
monopolies, types of, 205-206, 235
moral acts
Aquinas’ 3 main qualities, 49-50
moral philosophy, 47-107
morality, 15-16,47-107, 248
of utility, 101
reason as a basis for, 70
traditional, 53
Musonius, Rufus, 68
Mussolini, Benito, 187-191
writings, 187, 191
national socialism, 190
national spirit, 180, 181
natural animal, 170
natural aristocracy, 176, 178
natural law, 75,117,120,153-154,162,
natural monopolies, 205
natural order of things, 203, 204
Naturalism, 100, 102
nature of the state, 118
necessary monopolies, 205-206
negative income tax, 234, 236
New Harmony, 216
New Lanark, 215, 216
Nichomachean Ethics, 61, 62
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 99-102
anti-Semitism, 101
morality, 100-101
“Superman”, 102
writings, 99, 102
“Noble Savage”, 170, 175
nonlinguistic fallacies, 32, 36-43
accident, 36-37, 43
begging the question, 38, 43
complex question, 39-40, 43
fallacy of the consequent, 39, 43
false cause, 38-39, 43
ignoring the issue, 40-42,43
inductive fallacy, 39,43
irrelevant evidence, 40, 43
special case, 37-38,43
tu quoque, 40, 43
nothingness, Sartre’s concept of, 105
noumenon, Kant’s concept of, 95,105
oligarchy, 141, 143
On the Nature of Things, 65
“opiate of the masses,” 186
“Original Sin,” 14, 74
organic theory of the state, 117-118