
(Stevenselfio) #1

You just learned that the external environment chemically signals genes
through the emotions of an experience. So if the experiences in your life
aren’t changing, the chemical signals going to your genes aren’t changing.
No new information from the outer world is reaching your cells.
The quantum model asserts that we can signal the body emotionally and
begin to alter a chain of genetic events without first having any actual
physical experience that correlates to that emotion. We don’t need to win
the race, the lottery, or the promotion before we experience the emotions of
those events. Remember, we can create an emotion by thought alone. We
can experience joy or gratitude ahead of the environment to such an extent
that the body begins to believe that it is already “in” that event. As a result,
we can signal our genes to make new proteins to change our bodies to be
ahead of the present environment.

Can Elevated States of Mind Produce
Healthier Expression of Genes?

Here’s an example of how we can signal new genes in new ways when
we begin to emotionally embrace an event in the future before it is made
In Japan, a study was conducted to find out what effect one’s state of
mind might have on disease. The subjects were two groups of patients with
type 2 diabetes, all of whom were dependent on insulin. Keep in mind that
most diabetics medicate with insulin to remove sugar (glucose) out of the
bloodstream and deposit it in the cells, where it can be used for energy. At
the time of this study, the people involved were being treated with insulin

pills or injections to help control their elevated blood-sugar levels.^7
Each group had their fasting blood-sugar level tested to establish a
baseline. Next, one set of subjects watched a comedy show for an hour,
while the control group watched a boring lecture. The test subjects then ate
a delicious meal, after which their blood-glucose levels were checked again.
There was a significant discrepancy between the subjects who enjoyed
the comedy show and those who viewed the uneventful lecture. On average,
those who watched the lecture had their blood-sugar levels rise 123 mg/dl—
high enough that they would need to take insulin to keep themselves out of

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