
(Stevenselfio) #1

enormous energy that was needed for survival can now be used for creation.
The body begins to heal.
For example, Jose, a man at one of my lectures, told me about one of his
first times doing a meditation back in his 20s. In those days, he’d had ten
olive-sized warts on his left hand. He was so embarrassed by them that he
often hid that hand in his pocket.
One day someone gave Jose a book on meditation. The book instructed
him to simply focus on his breath and allow his mind to expand beyond the
barriers of his body. One night before bed, he decided to try the process. In
a matter of moments he went from an overfocused, contracted state to a
more expanded, open, focused state. As he vacated his familiar personality
and became something other than his typical thoughts and feelings, he went
from the habitual random thought patterns driven by the familiar ego to a
more expanded sense of self. When this occurred, something shifted.
The next morning when Jose woke up, all ten warts had completely
vanished. Shocked and overjoyed, he looked under the sheets for evidence
of them, but found nothing. He explained that he didn’t know where the
warts went. I told him that they returned to the quantum field where they
came from. I suggested to him that the universal intelligence that keeps
order in his body naturally had done what it always does—create more
order to reflect a more coherent mind. When his new subjective, coherent
mind matched the objective, coherent higher mind, that greater power
within did the healing for him.
All of this happened because when he got out of the way and became no
body, no thing, outside time—when he forgot about himself—his focus
went from sustained disorder to sustained order ... survival to creation ...
contraction to expansion ... incoherence to coherence. Then the unlimited
consciousness restored order in his body, and he was healed.

Meditation Plus Action: One Woman’s Path Out of Lack

At my workshops, I frequently ask participants to share their surprising
stories of life changes. Monique, a therapist from Montreal, Quebec,
recently described her own remarkable experience.

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