
(Stevenselfio) #1

Surrendering: Yield to a Greater Power and
Allow It to Resolve Your Limitations or Blocks

Surrendering is the final step in this section, in which you are pruning away
the habit of being yourself.
Most of us struggle with the idea of letting go, of allowing someone or
something else to have control. Keeping in mind whom you are surrendering to
—the Source, Infinite Wisdom—should make this process go much easier.
Einstein said that no problem could be solved from the same level of
consciousness that created it. The limited state of mind of your personality is
responsible for creating your limitations, and the answer has not come to you
... so why not go to a grander, more resourceful consciousness to help you
overcome this facet of yourself? Since all potentials exist in this infinite sea of
possibilities, you are humbly asking it to take your limitations from you in a
different way than the mode in which you have been trying to resolve this issue.
Since the best way to transform yourself has not occurred to you and what you
have been doing up to this point to overcome the problems in your life has not
worked out yet, it’s time to contact a greater resource.
The consciousness of the ego could never see the solution. It is steeped in the
emotional energy of the dilemma; and therefore it only thinks, acts, and feels
equal to that mind. It only creates more of the same.
Your change will be executed in a way that is unlimited from the objective
mind’s perspective. It sees you from the perspective of not being you. It
perceives potentials that you have not even thought of because you were too
busy being lost in the dream by responding to life in predictable ways.
However, if you say that you have surrendered to the objective
consciousness’s assistance yet still try to do things your own way, can you see
that it is impossible for it to assist you in changing anything in your life? By
your own free will, you would thwart its efforts.
Most of us obstruct this mind because we go back to trying to resolve our
problems by living within the same unconscious, habitual lifestyle. We get in
our own way. In fact, most of us wait until the ego is driven into the ground to
the point that we can no longer continue “business as usual.” This is when we
usually surrender and receive some type of aid.
You can’t both surrender and try to control the outcome. Surrender requires
that you give up what you think you know from your limited mind, especially
your belief about how this problem in your life should be taken care of. To truly

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