
(Stevenselfio) #1

truth about itself. It wants to remain in control. The servant has become the
master. But the master now must let the servant know that he or she has been
delinquent, unconscious, and absent. So it makes sense that your body will not
want to relinquish control, because it does not trust you. But if you just open
your mouth and speak out in spite of the body’s control, it will begin to feel
lighter and relieved, and you will begin to be back in command.
This is how you define who you really are without any associations to your
external environment. You are severing your energetic bond to the emotional
attachment of all of the elements in the outer world. If admitting is an inner
acknowledgment, then declaration is an outward one.

What Is It That You Want to Declare?

It’s time to merge this part of Step 3 with the previous part. Remember that
you’re building this section into one fluid process. Using the example of anger,
you might say aloud, “I have been an angry person my whole life.”
Remember the general aim of what you want to declare. In this part of your
meditation for the week, while you are sitting up with eyes closed, you’ll open
your mouth and softly say the emotion that you are declaring: anger.
While you prepare yourself to do this and while you are engaged in
verbalizing your declaration, it probably will not feel good to you. Do it
anyway; that’s your body talking to you.
Your end result is that you are inspired, uplifted, and energized. Make this
step simple, easy, and lighthearted. Do not overanalyze what you have done.
Just know that the truth shall set you free.

Remember that you’re not ready to start your Week Two meditations yet. In
this section, you’ve recognized an unwanted emotion and its corresponding
state of mind that you want to unmemorize, then you admitted it inwardly and
declared it outwardly. There’s one more step to read, after which you can put all
four together in your Week Two meditation....

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