
(singke) #1
Photograph by Sunstreak Productions, Inc.

Sage twist ............................................................................................

This unique pose rotates the spine from left to right, toning and relaxing as
you go. Here’s what to do:

  1. Start in the sitting position and extend both legs forward.

  2. Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the floor, next to
    your inside left thigh.

  3. Place your right hand on the floor behind you, palm down.

  4. Take your left palm and wrap it around the outside of your right knee
    (see Figure 16-3).

  5. Inhale, extending and lifting your spine upward; exhale and twist
    your torso and head to your right side (see Figure 16-3).

Cat pose ..............................................................................................

The cat tilt elongates your spine and eases tension in your back. Try it by fol-
lowing these steps:

  1. Rest on your hands and knees, with your belly facing the floor.

  2. Inhale deeply.

  3. Exhale and pull in your abdominal muscles, tailbone, and butt.

  4. Pressing down on your hands, press your back toward the ceiling so
    your spine rounds, as shown in Figure 16-4.

Figure 16-2:
Child’s pose.

Chapter 16: All about Yoga: Mind and Body 255

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