resource, but don’t expect that you’ll necessarily get the best price (or thebest service) possible just because you go through them.
salespeopleTIP: Many Internet department folk are just glorified^
The biggest issue is that many dealers don’t give their Internet departmentpersonnel enough autonomy to set prices, negotiate deals or handle
finance and accessories. You’ll end up having to negotiate with a manageranyway. At others, the Internet people just set appointments for you to meet (^)
a regular salesperson.
Many of the smaller dealers I work with give a dual role to their Internetmanager, having him or her also handle fleet business. In my experience, (^)
the prices they quote aren’t as good as I can get dealing directly with thesales manager. But these folk are often more forthright than the normal
sales people, giving straightforward answers on pricing and layering onless bull.