Dalmia DSP Success Story

(Project Pridr) #1


including BBS. Advance steel was used for detailing of steel
structures to provide GA, fabrication drawings, and BOM.
Holtec undertook earthwork optimization during the
initial stage itself using BIM and drone data. Earthwork
(cutting and filling was calculated) in different areas and it
was decided to split the plant into two different elevations
for minimizing cutting and filling works. It was decided to
put stockpile sheds and clinker silo on a higher altitude as
the natural ground level of this area was already high. Based
on this, the plinth level of all buildings was decided.
Conversion of few structures from concrete to steel was
also undertaken in anticipating a delay in erection due to
the time required for RCC construction. All civil drawings
were provided with a 3-D view, which was helpful for the
site team to understand better and avoid any mistake.
The Aconex BIM module helped a lot for viewing the
3D model.

Preheater Building Raw Mill Building
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