Dalmia DSP Success Story

(Project Pridr) #1


The civil team demolished 40 m length of boundary
wall in just three hours and the convoy of eight trucks
transporting boulders and morrum filled the 3 m deep
depression for extension of the road at the plant entry
area. The herculean task to fill and compact the depressed
area with approximately 630 CuM of boulders and morrum
was completed in merely nine hours. Simultaneously the
mechanical and E&I team got engaged in dismantling street
light pole fouling in the new path.
After a whole day of struggle, the teams were ready
for inward movement of the vehicles at night. Now the
final challenge was to take both the vehicles below the
WESCO Power Supply charged lines passing through the
pole near corner house and to the Transformer tower on
the other side. The E&I team liaised with WESCO officials
and managed to complete the movement within the half-
an-hour power cut. This was expedited with an intent to
minimize power interruption in the locality.

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