16 | July 2019 The Ideal Home and Garden
At your home, where do you hangout? If it’s “the kitchen,”
then you’re part of a growing trend. Life happens in the
kitchen. It is a space where cooking, eating and lots of
family activities get knitted, and also a place where we
share our fondest memories with people who are dearest
to us - apt to say it is the heart of the home.
I’m so thrilled to share a dedicated issue packed with
global kitchen trends. The team has hand-picked
kitchen designs that are personal, thoughtful and multi-
functional. Along with that, the team went the extra mile
to pay fitting tribute to Notre-Dame de Paris in the most
unusual way you can think of.
Also, there are new beginnings and some exciting news
to share! We are starting a series “Design Circle” with
our favourite brand Bent Chair to provide a platform
for design mavericks to talk and discuss topics that are
important for the design industry. Catch us on social
media channels for more updates.
We are hopingyouenjo thislatestissueasmuch as we
loved it foryou.
RuhiSing ditor
r.singh@nextge ing.net