Extended Data Fig. 5 | Representative membrane f luctuation spectra for
non-Dantu, Dantu-heterozygous and Dantu-homozygous RBCs. Example
of contour detection and f lickering spectra across genotype groups.
a, Contour of an RBC (dashed blue line), showing the inner and outer bounds
used in image analysis (green lines). b, Final contour of an RBC following image
analysis of the frame in a. c, Mean square f luctuation amplitudes, <|h(qx)|^2 >, as
function of modes qx for non-Dantu (green line), Dantu-heterozygote (orange
line), and Dantu-homozygote (purple line) RBCs. Fitted modes 8–20. Dashed
lines qx−1 and qx−3, respectively, indicate the two possible limiting behaviours
when tension or bending modulus dominates. The error bars (not shown for
clarity) were calculated as s.d./(nt×d), where s.d. is the standard deviation,
n the total number of frames, and dt the time gap between frames.