The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


The second panoramic shows all the root tips. There are no
cavitations seen. Notice the round white spot (black on the X-
ray film) just above the R. This was an abscess, far removed
from the teeth, but probably stemming from a dead or infected
tooth. An X-ray cannot identify dead teeth. They should have
been tested for vitality. A dead tooth always harbors Clostrid-
ium. Such a “silent” infection will reach vital organs such as
thymus, bone marrow, and spleen, besides the tumor! All dead
teeth should be extracted.
The last panoramic, although poor quality, shows a large
cavitation at the lower right. One or two teeth extracted there
long ago left a large hole with infection (dark area) along the
sides. Thorough cleaning would have allowed it to fill in with

bone again and stop the chronic illness (including cancer) this
patient suffered from. At the upper right, a solitary tooth is sit-
ting in a bed of infection. The dark black areas are metal. Syn-
crometer tests of this patient showed that the tooth bacteria,
Staphylococcus and Clostridium, were both present at the

Fig. 30 Panoramic showing large cavitation at lower right.
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