cal grocery shops that do not spray their produce. The spray
contains petroleum products. Add herb seasoning. Make lemon-
ade in the blender leaving it whole, but peeling it first with a
sharp knife to remove the sprayed surface; then strain. Scrub
the lemon carefully first, just with water. Lemon peel and seeds
have limonene, useful for weight gain. But don’t overdo it. Use
only one lemon a day. Exact instructions are given in Recipes.
Make mashed potatoes from scratch—not box potatoes, nor
chips nor French fries. Box potatoes have added chemicals.
Chips and fries were made in chemical grease called
“hydrogenated vegetable (or other) oil.” There is a large
amount of nickel in hydrogenated fats.^41 Fry your potatoes in
butter, lard or olive oil. Find butter that is not wrapped in foil
(^41) 114 mcg/100 g. Taken from Food Values 14ed by Pennington
and Church 1985.
Find dairy products that do not list color as an ingredient—not even
annatto seed. Evidently a company that uses both artificial and natu-
ral colors cannot keep them totally apart.
Fig. 45 Good butter and cheese